Karma Blues
Should you settle for the man who’s available, or wait for the one you really want?
Against the backdrop of building her nonprofit career, Liv, now a single mom with a 7-year old, yearns for a mate, and struggles with a litany of ill-fitted suitors. Just when she’s ready to abandon the man quest, her best friend Elyse’s wedding news results in Liv meeting Eric, a fine Nordic specimen with darker undertones. As Elyse fears losing her life in marriage to a workaholic attorney, Liv pushes herself to explore the possibility of coupling with someone who compromises her values. Meanwhile, an old friend, David, whom she first came to know as a refugee from Sudan, one of the “lost boys,” rekindles suppressed attraction. Emotions intensify leading up to Elyse’s wedding, as control dramas unfold and past lives intersect, culminating in a fiesta party that crashes. Badly.
You can begin the Nonprofit Girl Trilogy here as past is blended with present.