I like to advocate too. Do you?
A fun day on Capitol Hill a few years go - this year we zoomed our meetings!
Now I live in Orange County, CA, and lobby Rep. Katie Porter who is very receptive to global health spending.
Northern Virginia RESULTS group members meeting with Rep. Don Beyer
Causes, there’s so, so many! I’m sure you have yours, the organizations you honor with your volunteer efforts or donations.
The ones I’m most committed to are RESULTS and Citizens Climate Lobby, where staff enables people like you and me to use our voice to advocate to elected officials for a better world.
If you’d like to talk advocacy, please email me at ann@annbeltran.com
RESULTS offers an umbrella of federal domestic and global issues in their campaigns that span the fields of economic opportunity, health, and education. You cannot find a more diverse organization out there dealing with the economic wealth gap range of problems and doing so from a deep commitment to anti-oppression values. Campaigns seek to ground both long-standing and emergent issues like housing, income, and nutrition in feasible solutions. Global health issues involve us in advocating for line item appropriations that benefit maternal and child health and international health initiatives like the Global Fund Against AIDS, TB, and Malaria. We advocate by building relationships with our elected federal officials, and most importantly their staff.
Citizens Climate Lobby deals with the existential threat facing all of us. It has chapters across the world with people like you and me who are trying to stem the tide of climate change through influencing others, whether it’s our families and friends, or officials in our localities or the Congress. It’s solidly nonpartisan in its advocacy for a carbon fee and dividend approach that has widespread support..
After reading Love on the Mall, and learning more about the National Mall, you may want to visit the Trust for the National Mall, see what maintenance projects are underway, and make a donation to preserve our national treasure.