Faith on the Mall
Step back in time to this full-blooded, deep-spirited American saga
Before the Civil War, three siblings raised at the Lockhouse on the National Mall must rebound from tragedy. As the characters transform, so does the Mall with the arrival of the Washington Monument and the Smithsonian - and then the Union Army. This 15-year family saga of emerging feminist, businessman, and naturalist immerses you in the real lives of Senators and prostitutes, gay and straight national figures, explorers and Civil War boy soldiers. Truly a tale of Americana that shapes our lives today.
Encore Learning Presents: The National Mall History Revealed by Author Ann Beltran’s Characters
Cosponsored by Arlington Public Library
When you link, advance to 3:30 to begin my talk and see all the photos and graphics that become a supplementary illustration of the book. There's no spoilers, and some like to see the photos first while others appreciate them after having read the novel.